The 12 month average price is $763.12 new and $523.58 used. A RUGER SINGLE SIX pistol is currently worth an average price of $759.25 new and $533.57 used. There are occasions when blocks of serial. Are there serial numbers for all Ruger rifles? Ruger does not necessarily produce firearms in serial number order. Beginning Serial Number- Years of Production- 1. (Manufactured from 1953 to 1973) Caliber- 22 LR.

Ruger Single Six Standard Serial Number History. Shows my 2018.40/10mm as not in production as well as my.44spl FT from 2014. Does#39nt list my #3985 Single six-but I found my.41 as it should be on the old list. Shows my 1977.41 mag BH as 2017-which is when I sent it in for repair. Single-Sixer Joined Messages 328 Location North Texas I like it, I had to manipulate it some. The first set of tables are production years for the New Model Single Six and the second set are Old Model Single Six production years.

(Edited) I hope these charts will be useful to the Single Six owners here on RFC.Ruger Blackhawk Serial Number History Blackhawk Revolver manufactured from 1955 to 1973 Caliber 357 Magnum Beginning Serial Number Years of Product1737 1956 7318 1957 1 30 30 30 31 31 The above chart shows the approximate first serial number shipped for the indicated year.

This number should be used as a point of reference Single Six Serial Number Search | Ruger Forum. All Super Single Sixes were Convertibles except for one or more of the Factory Plated guns that was sold to employees.

The quotCquot meant convertible and the 4,5,6 meant 4 5/8 in. The Super Single-Six Old Models had the following model numbers- SC4 SC5 SC6 The quotSquot ment Super. > DOWNLOAD: Ruger Single Six Serial Numbers By Year Ruger Single Six Serial Numbers By Year OctoRuger Single Six Serial Numbers By Year